How do I view or submit my Social Insurance Number?

Woman filling in a form on a computer

Find out if the University of Waterloo already has your Social Insurance Number (SIN) on file (see 4  section 1). If it does not, follow the steps to add it (see 4  section 2).

Important note: If you do not provide consent for your SIN to the University of Waterloo, the SIN field on your tax receipt will be blank when submitted to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Personal Information tile.
    Personal information tile in Quest.
  3. Select the Social Insurance Number link on the left.
    Social Insurance Number tab in Quest.
  4. What you'll see next depends on whether the University of Waterloo already has your SIN on record.
    1. If the University already has your SIN:
      1. It will display.
      2. Select one of the two consent options available under Consent to the use of the SIN by the University of Waterloo.
        Social Insurance Number displayed in Quest with consent options and save button highlighted.
      3. Select Save.
    2. If the University does not have your SIN:
      1. Select one of the three options available under Consent to the use of the SIN by the University of Waterloo.
        Social Insurance Number consent options and save button highlighted in Quest.
        • If you select the consent option, you will need to input your SIN in the My Social Insurance Numbers is field. The field will accept number characters only, and the following SIN formats (with or without hyphens): ###-###-### or ### ### ###.
          First consent button chosen in Quest.
        • If you do not wish to provide your SIN, or you do not have one, the SIN entry box will be greyed out and any data previously entered will be erased.
      2. Select Save.

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