The Food System Roundtable of Waterloo Region provides education on food systems to improve the sustainability of Waterloo Region’s local food environment and the health of its residents. Through partnerships with producers, vendors and educators, the Roundtable enables research and education on food policy, agricultural and health sciences, and sustainability, to raise awareness and share knowledge about key issues and bring people closer to their food.
Championing a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system through policy advocacy, education, and community partnership building in the Region of Waterloo.
- To increase awareness of food system issues and communicate with a common voice to promote action
- To build new partnerships and enhance networking between existing food system stakeholders
- To identify and prioritize food system needs
Members of the Food System Roundtable of Waterloo Region are committed to the following values:
- Right to Know — People have a right to know what’s in their food and where and how it was produced
- Access — All people should have physical and economic access to healthy, local food
- Economic Viability — Local food businesses should be valued, supported and vibrant
- Sustainability — All sectors of society share in the responsibility for creating and maintaining an environmentally sustainable local food system
The past working groups of the Food System Roundtable of Waterloo Region:
- Community Gardening and Urban Food Production
- Food Forestry and Foraging
- Food Access
- Supporting Farms and Farm Workers