Photo courtesy of Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy
For the Wild podcast. 2021, Jan 27. Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy on Land Return and Revitalization. (Audio, 1:03:00)
In today’s episode, we are joined by guest Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy to explore what land ownership means across the United States, how to begin seeding the concept of land return in mainstream consciousness, and the grave injustices we perpetuate when we continue to draw upon Traditional Ecological Knowledge for climate mitigation and adaptation without working towards land rematration simultaneously. We begin our conversation exploring how natural resources and resource extraction has shaped lawn ownership across the country today and then move into the imaginative work that land return requires of us. Cutcha shares how she has witnessed the impossible become possible, the long term effects of the California Gold Rush, the future-making power of Indigenous feminism, and the inherent anti-apocalyptic nature of cultural revitalization.

Canadian Bushcraft Podcast, with Caleb Musgrave. 2020, Sept 6. Indigenous Food Systems: Fall (Episode 24, 1:05:00)
In this episode, Caleb discusses the upcoming autumn, from an Anishinaabeg lens. From an indigenous perspective, of harvesting, and preparing for the cold months of Winter, this episode will help shed light on what is available to eat, and what to get ready for the snow.

The Canadian Bushcraft Podcast, With Caleb Musgrave. 2022, July 17. Ep. The Eastern Agricultural Complex. [Spotify]. (Episode 108, 1:28:00)
In this episode, Caleb discusses the crops and lifeways of Eastern North America, prior to corn (7000 years ago) and it's importance today in survival gardening, permaculture, rewilding, food security, food sovereignty and more.

Red Man Laughing (Ryan McMahon). 2017. The Wild Rice Wars: James Whetung. (Audio, 0:57:00)
Anishinaabe Wild Rice harvester James Whetung talks about his Manoomin Camp, his commitment to ricing, his inherent right to do so and we investigate the brewing conflict between Indigenous rights and Ontario cottage country.