Here you will find resources to increase access to affordable, safe, nutrient-dense, sustainable, and culturally specific foods in our community. You will find information about retail stores, markets, farms, low-waste shopping, vegetarian and vegan eating, growing your own food, and more. Each listing includes a clickable website link and Google Maps location, where appropriate. See our Food Access Community Resource Map below:
Food Access Community Resources Map
See anything missing on our map? Let us know in our website feedback Google Form.
Our Mission
We are committed to increasing access to safe, nutrient-dense, affordable, sustainable, and culturally specific foods that are within walking distance for all in our community. We do this through strengthening and amplifying existing initiatives; identifying needs, gaps, and opportunities; and through building partnerships and community connections. Our focus is on non-emergency food.
Who we target?
Our members are concerned citizens and representatives from local organizations and businesses who share a passion for creating opportunities and breaking down barriers regarding food access. Some of us have lived experience of food insecurity. We are reaching out to diverse communities in our region, in efforts to have many voices and perspectives at our “table”.
Where are we now?
Since we began meeting in April 2020, we’ve grown our membership, made community connections, and produced the Food Access Community Resource Hub. This autumn 2020, we are looking towards the future and considering what directions and projects to take on next. We welcome anyone who is interested in food access to join us or contact us for more information.

Please click the following categories to access the information:
Stores specializing in food from specific cultures and organizations providing food access for specific cultures
Locally grown and locally sourced food
Community gardens, yard-sharing programs, gardening resources
Package-free produce, bulk shopping, reusable containers
Groups and individuals helping people access or share food
Information and support for vegetarians and vegans, and for people interested in vegetarian or vegan eating
For information about pricing, affordability, and hours of operation, please visit individual websites.
For emergency food access, please visit the Food Bank’s Community Food Assistance Network. The Food Access Community Resource Hub was put together by volunteers with no funding from businesses or organizations. The hub will be updated over time, as we find out about more accessible food resources.
We invite your information, feedback, and ideas! To share your input, please give us feedback.