CfP: 15th Germanic and Slavic Studies Conference

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

It's time for our annual Germanic and Slavic Studies Conference!

For the 15th time, the Germanic and Slavic Studies department is hosting the GSS conference. So mark the date: Monday, December 9, 2019, because you don't want to miss this. 

All graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty and alumni from the Germanic and Slavic Studies Department and other related disciplines are invited to submit proposals for papers to be given at the 15th Germanic and Slavic Studies Conference. Papers on any aspect of Germanic and/or Slavic Studies are welcome.

Please submit an electronic copy of your proposal (in English or German, maximum one page, excluding works cited, double-spaced) to Janet Vaughan ( The subject line of the email must read GSS Conference Proposal. The text body of the email should contain: name, affiliation, 50-word biographical summary and paper title. The proposal, maximum 500 words, should be sent as an attachment (PDF, Word, or RTF) and must not contain any information in regards to the author(s). Formatting must adhere to either APA or MLA guidelines. The conference languages are English and German. The deadline for submissions is Saturday, November 16, 2019. Those sending proposals will be notified by November 20, 2019 as to acceptance.

This is a unique opportunity to discuss and share your research. We encourage everyone to participate, as a paper given at this conference can be delivered at a future conference as well. Please spread the word!