Department members Grit Liebscher and Barbara Schmenk have both recently published new books.
Professor Liebscher has co-authored with Jennifer Dailey-O'Cain (University of Alberta) a new volume in the Palgrave Macmillan series on language and globalization. Language, Space, and Identity in Migration explores the use of language by people who migrate to other countries. Although Liebscher and Dailey-O'Cain are focusing on data collected from German immigrants to Canada, their research can be applied to a number of other migration contexts throughout the world.
Professor Schmenk and John Plews (St. Mary's Unversity) have just released a collection of edited essays entitled Traditions and Transitions: Curricula in German Studies in the Waterloo Centre for German Studies Series of Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Drawn from a conference held in Waterloo in 2009, the essays discuss possible routes for the evolution of German studies in the 21st century. Department members Grit Liebscher and Mathias Schulze, and department graduate student Allison Cattell, contributed chapters to the volume.