Winter 2025 course in the spotlight: GER 303 - Interactive German Language and Culture

Monday, December 2, 2024

Winter 2025 course in the spotlight: GER 303 - Interactive German Language and Culture

Course description
This course develops German language skills and cultural awareness. Discussions include such topics as Heimat, nation, migration, and study abroad. Students will engage with and reflect on different social and cultural perspectives through interviews, videos, and texts. Online interactions, including with people in and from Germany, form an integral part of the course. 

Required language level
GER 201 / GER 211 or instructor consent
At least completed A2.1 or 3 semesters of German, with some flexibility due to online format.
Instructor: Prof. Grit Liebscher 
Instruction: Online course 

Students from other universities are invited to join students from the University of Waterloo, the University of Guelph, and students from the University of Mannheim / Germany on a Letter of Permission basis to take GER 303 Interactive German Language and Culture online in the Winter 2025 term. 

For more information on the Letter of Permission application process, see the following website: 
Please reach out to the course instructor Prof. Grit Liebscher ( or to the Germanic & Slavic Studies Undergraduate Office at UWaterloo (