Alexa Becker

Joint MA in Intercultural German Studies
Alexa Becker

Where and what did you study before you came to Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo?

I did my Bachelor of Arts in German Studies and Media and Communication Studies at the University of Mannheim.

What are your interests in German Studies?

Basically, I have always been more interested in linguistics, especially gender linguistics and computational linguistics, but I am generally interested in everything related to gender studies.

Why did you choose the University of Waterloo?

I did not specifically choose the University of Waterloo, but the IcGS program. I’ve known about the program since the beginning of my Bachelor’s degree at the University of Mannheim and have wanted to do it ever since and go to Canada. I am looking forward to the year in Canada and the study experience at the University of Waterloo.

Do you already know what you want to write your thesis on?

I have absolutely no plan yet for what I want to write my thesis on, but I hop to be inspired by new experiences and courses at the University of Waterloo.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

As a child, I always wanted to be a journalist. That changed a bit as I got older. I’ve enjoyed reading a lot since I was little and I’ve wanted to work in publishing ever since I was around 13 years old. That’s also the reason why I’m studying German Studies.

What is a fun fact about you?

I like to read a lot and have actually read over 100 books in 2023. That’s more than ever before and reading is simply part of my personality.