Where and what did you study before you came to Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo?
Before starting the IcGS-program, I was doing my Bachelor of Education at the University of Mannheim.
What are your interests in German Studies?
I have always been most interested in Linguistics but more recently, I am focusing more on Computational Linguistics. This year, however, I have a class in Sociolinguistics which is also really fascinating!
Why did you choose the University of Waterloo?
The IcGS-program is an exchange program between the Uni Mannheim and the UW. Therefore, I did not specifically choose the University of Waterloo. I did, however, choose the IcGS-program for a reason and one of them is that I always wanted to go to Canada. Spending a whole year here is much more than what I have dreamed of and the UW is a great university to study at!
Do you already know what you want to write your thesis on?
I don’t have a specific topic yet, but I’d love to write something about how corpora can be used to optimize natural language processing and machine translation.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
For the most time of my childhood, I wanted to become a news presenter at the Tagesschau because I once participated in a play where I had this role. Other options were singer and actress.
What is a fun fact about you?
Although I’ve been in Canada for almost a year now, I never had a double-double (and probably won’t before I leave :-).