Lisa Mattern

Joint MA in Intercultural German Studies

Where and what did you study before you came to Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo?

Before the IcGS program, I did my Bachelor's degree at the University of Munich. My major was German Studies and my minor was Language, Literature, and Culture.

What are your interests in German Studies?

It is actually the variety of research opportunities that makes German Studies so special for me. A degree in German Studies offers the great opportunity to get a taste of several areas such as history, psychology, sociology, or political science and to gain an incredible amount of general knowledge. Through my studies, I learned not to always accept everything as it seems at first glance and to question some things critically.

However, I currently find the field of medieval studies particularly interesting. In the field of German medieval studies, I am mainly concerned with gender studies.

Why did you choose the University of Waterloo?

I actually came across the University of Waterloo quite by chance. I was looking for a Master's program in Germany in the field of literature or communication studies with a stay abroad. When I found the IcGS program in Mannheim and Waterloo, I was soon convinced. A whole year in Canada? Why not? Maybe I could camp in a national park, see a bear, and watch an ice hockey game or two? The stay wouldn't do my English any harm either. Besides, I've always been interested in North American university life, which you see so much of in movies and series.

Do you already know what you want to write your thesis on?

I'm not quite sure yet. But I'm thinking about looking into the depiction of Amazons and the idea of matriarchy in Middle High German romances of antiquity.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A life in freedom without any rules, only the wide sea in front of my eyes and the rough sea wind blowing through my long hair; treasures, chases and adventures - of course I wanted to be a pirate!

What is a fun fact about you?

I am addicted to green tea.