Where and what did you study before you came to Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo?
I studied Culture and Economy at the University of Mannheim. My major was German studies and my minor business administration.
What are your interests in German Studies?
I’m interested in linguistics and cultural studies, especially socio- and discourse linguistical research as well as cultural memory and narratives. For example, I wrote my bachelor thesis about the term crisis during the Nazi era and its use in different narratives.
Why did you choose the University of Waterloo?
The University of Waterloo is the cooperation university for the master’s program Intercultural German Studiesand because I was interested in the program as well as studying in Canada for a whole year, the decision to come to Waterloo was actually not that difficult.
Do you already know what you want to write your thesis on?
I would like to expand on my ideas of narratives and their cultural integration. I’m not sure about the topical focus, yet, but I could imagine examining narratives about the European Union.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was fascinated by dinosaurs, so I wanted to become an archaeologist and dig up fossils and ancient skeletons in the desert. A few years later, I learned that this is actually the job of a paleontologist.
What is a fun fact about you?
I started crocheting in the summer of 2022 and already crocheted multiple projects, among them stuffed animals, soap savers, socks, and hats for cats.