Aqueous Analysis Laboratory (AAL)

The Aqueous Analysis Lab performs all standard chemical and isotopic analyses of water and gas samples, including: dissolved cations, trace metals, anions, organic and inorganic carbon, nutrient species (e.g., orthophosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium), greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O), stable water isotopes, and carbon-13 isotope compositions of CO2 and CH4.

Fill in the request form below for each set of samples you are requesting to be analyzed. We will respond with a quote based on your submission. For questions, please contact Hang Nguyen (

For a complete price list, expand the grey bar below.

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD$). For more details on our rental policies and how we set our pricing, please see Our policies and FAQs page.

Aqueous Analysis Laboratory services and fees

Sample volume required


Fee per sample

1. Inorganic elements 

10+ mL filtered (≤ 0.45 µm) sample)

Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (Thermo Scientific iCAP 6300)


2. Trace elements

10 mL filtered (≤ 0.45 µm) sample)

Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (Thermo Scientific iCAP 6300)


3. Inorganic anions  3+ mL filtered ( 0.22 µm) sample Capillary Ion Chromatograph system (Dionex ICS-5000 with auto sampler) $40
4. Organic acids 3+ mL filtered ( 0.22 µm) sample Capillary Ion Chromatograph system (Dionex ICS-5000 with auto sampler) $40
5. Glucose 3 mL Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer (Thermo Scientific) $40

6. Dissolved ammonium (NH4+)

3 mL

Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer (Thermo Scientific)


7. Dissolved orthophosphate

3 mL

Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer (Thermo Scientific)


8. Dissolved iron(II)

3 mL, preserved in acid

Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer (Thermo Scientific)


9. Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen

7+ mL filtered (≤0.45 µm) sample

Total Organic C, Total N Analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-LCPH/CPN with auto injector)


10. Dissolved inorganic carbon

7+ mL filtered (≤0.45 µm) sample

Total Organic C, Total N Analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-LCPH/CPN with auto injector)


11. Greenhouse and standard gases

10+ mL gas sample stored in gas-tight container (e.g., Exetainer vial)

Gas Chromatograph (Shimadzu)


12. Stable water isotopes (O, D/H)

5+ mL filtered (≤0.45 µm) water sample stored full in closed container

Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (Picarro L2130-i Water Isotope Analyzer and Gas Concentration Analyzer))


13. Stable carbon isotopes

20+ mL gas sample stored in gas-tight container (e.g., Exetainer vial)

Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (Picarro G2201-i Carbon-13 CH4/CO2 Isotopic  Analyzer)


14. Trace analysis (voltammetry)


Voltammeter (Metrohm 797 VA Computrace voltammeter with autosampler)


15. Chlorophyll-a

500+ mL unfiltered water

Fluorometer with chlorophyll-a module (Turner Designs)


What is your Institutional affiliation?
What analyses are you requesting? Check all that apply for the samples being submitted. Analyses marked * require additional information.
Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Si
As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn
F, Cl, NO3, NO2, Br, SO4, PO4
lactate, acetate, propionate, formate, butyrate, pyruvate, succinate, citrate
CO2, CH4, N2O, O2 N2
δ18O-H2O and δ18D-H2O
δ13C-CH4 and δ13C-CO2


9. Please specify if you are looking for DOC, TDN or both.
11. Which gases are you looking for?
12. Which stable water isotopes are you looking for?
13. Which stable carbon isotopes are you looking for?
Is the project PI an Early Career Researcher?
Is the project PI a member of an equity-deserving group, as established by the Government of Canada and the University of Waterloo?
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