Hydrogeology field rentals

Fill in the request form below for the equipment you are requesting to rent. We will respond with a quote based on your submission. For questions, please contact Dave Rudolph (drudolph@uwaterloo.ca).

For a complete price list, expand the grey bar below.

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD$). For more details on our rental policies and how we set our pricing, please see Our policies and FAQs page.

Hydrogeology field rentals



1. YSI Exo2 multiparameter (pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, oxidation/reduction potential) data logging sondes (x2)

$125 per day

2. Geoprobe 7720DT track mounted probe with MC5 soil coring system, electrical conductivity and hydraulic profiling tools, and piezometer installation tooling

$2,000 per day

3. Geotech Geopump peristaltic pumps (x2)

$150 per day

4. Soil Moisture Guelph Permeameter water infiltration testing kits (x2)

$125 per day

5. Custom meteorological stations (various configurations – Hoskin Scientific) (x12)

$15 per day (Note: Based on a 3 month minimum deployment.)


6. Geonics EM31 and EM38 ground electrical conductivity systems

$200 per day

7. Sensors and Software Pulse Ekko Pro Ground penetrating radar system

$250 per day

8. MHE stainless push point shallow porewater sampling system (Henry Sampler)(x2)

$10 per day

9. Drivepoint and multilevel piezometers (custom built per site/application)

$10 per day

$10 per day (Note: cost of multilevel piezometer will depend on number of levels and depth.)

10. AMS hammer head and slide-hammer soil sampling system

$25 per day

11. Marsh-McBirney Flo-Mate 2000 portable water flow meter

$35 per day

12. Solinst Level Loggers for temperature and pressure

$35 per day

13. Campbell Scientific data loggers (CR23X and CR1000)

$35 per day

14. Ford F-150 truck

$80 per day (Note: only internal UWaterloo users can rent due to insurance limitations.)

15. Portable enclosed field support trailer

$150 per day

What is your institutional affiliation
Equipment requesting (check all that apply)
Have you used this equipment before?
Do you require support with operating it?
Is the project PI an Early Career Researcher?
Is the project PI a member of an equity-deserving group, as established by the Government of Canada and the University of Waterloo?
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