Lab equipment and experimental facilities rentals

Global Water Futures Observatories (Waterloo) offer a range of lab equipment rentals for users to rent and perform their own analyses and/or experiments, including:

  • Analytical lab equipment for quantifying DNA (e.g., plate sealers, plate readers, PCR workstations),
  • Fluorescence and light spectroscopy techniques (e.g., Raman spectroscopy, UV-Visible absorbance spectroscopy), and for analyzing physico-chemical properties of environmental and engineered solutions (e.g., zeta potential), as well as
  • Experimental lab equipment for studying the rates and pathways of reactions in water and sediments and for studying the exposure of fish to environmental contaminants (e.g., flow-through reactors, infrared gas analyzers, fish exposure systems and fish swim tunnels).

Please see Our policies and FAQs page for more details on our rental policies and how we set our pricing. 

Ecohydrology lab equipment and rental fees

Experimental systems


Used for


Flow through reactors of various sizes

Biogeochemical kinetics

$25 per day/per reactor

Experimental column systems of various sizes

Biogeochemical kinetics

$35 per day/per column

Benchtop peristaltic pumps                             


$12 per day

MicroRespTM system

CO2 production rates from soils and water

$100 per day, including use of multi-mode reader and gas chromatograph for measurement and calibration

Automated Soil CO2 Flux System (LI-COR LI-8100)

CO2 concentrations and emission fluxes from soil, water surfaces

$135 per day

CO2 and CH4 Infrared Analyzer (LI-COR LI-7810)

CO2 and CH4 concentrations and emission fluxes from soil, water surfaces

$135 per day

Freeze-thaw Soil Column System

Cold region soil processes

$35 per day per column

Bioreactors (Applikon Biotechnology)

Biogeochemical kinetics

$35 per day per column

Temperature-controlled chamber(s) For conducting temperature controlled experiments.
More information about temperature-controlled chambers available:
$125 per day
Anaerobic chamber(s) For conducting anoxic/anaerobic experiments and analyses $125 per day

Other equipment


Used for


Multi-mode well plate reader (Flex Station 3, Molecular Devices)

Automated well plate reader: can be used to measure fluorescence, absorbance, or luminescence

$125 per day

UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Thermo Evolution 260)

For measuring absorbance of aqueous samples (wavelength range: 190 to 1100 nm)

$100 per day

Multimeter probes (ThermoScientific Orion VersaStar)

Probes for:

  • pH
  • Eh/ORP (redox potential)
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Temperature
  • Dissolved oxygen

$100 per day

Autoclave (Tuttnauer model 3850E Electronic Tabletop)

For sterilizing microbial cultures, soils and sediments

 $100 per day

Weigh scales (Mettler Toledo New Classic MF)

For weighing aqueous solutions, soils, and sediments

 $100 per day

Analytical balance (Mettler Toledo XS205 Dual Range)

For weighing aqueous solutions, soils, and sediments

$100 per day

Oven (ThermoScientific Heratherm)

For drying soils and sediments

$100 per day 

Centrifuge (ThermoScientific Sorvall ST16R)

For separating soils and sediments from aqueous solutions

 $100 per day 

Portable Lab Spectral Induced Polarized (PSIP) Instrument (Ontash & Ermac)

Specialized geophysical technique: Measures spectral induced polarization (SIP) response of porous media and materials in porous media (e.g., microbial cells, microplastic particles)

$300 per day

Titrator (Metrohm 907 Titrando)

Particle analysis (particle surface charge properties)

$200 per day

Stereomicroscope (Leica EZ4 stereomicroscope)

Particle, solid phase analysis (microplastics)

$110 per day

Ecotoxicology lab equipment and rental fees

Aquatic Toxicology and Ecosystem Remediation

Equipment Used for Fee
Bio-Rad CFX-96 Realtime PCR (x2) Used to run plates for quantifying gene expression and covid-19 in wastewater $600 per sample
Bio-Rad CFX- OPUS Realtime PCR (x2) Used to run plates for quantifying gene expression and covid-19 in wastewater $600 per sample
Qiagen Digital PCR Quantifies nucleic acids  $800 per sample
PCR workstation Used to prepare reagents for PCR and plate them $50 per day
Bio-Rad T100 thermocycler Used for PCR gene expression $100 per sample
Biological safety cabinet Used to prepare, extract samples for various projects $50 per day
NIMBUS automated liquid handler Plates mastermix and samples for covid-19 and other projects $600 per sample
Nanodrop (Thermofisher NanoDrop microvolume spectrophotometers) Measures total RNA, DNA and proteins for various measures including covid-19 in wastewater $100 per sample
Bio-Rad plate sealer Seals plates to be run with qPCR $10 per plate
Refrigerated centrifuges Used to centrifuge samples that require refrigeration for covid-19 in wastewater $50 per day
MaxQ 6000 incubator Incubation of yeast cells for determination of total erogenicity of wastewater (YES assay) $100 per day
Molecular Devices M3 spectrophotometer plate reader Many uses.  ELISAs, YES assay, other cell cultures $100 per day
Perkin Elmer 3110 Tricarb liquid scintillation counter Radiation measurements.  H3, C13, I125 etc.  $50 per sample
QIAcube Connect Extracts RNA per DNA for various kits $200 per day
Laminar flow hood Used to prepare and extract samples for YES assay $50 per day
Supelco manual SPE manifolds Extraction of PPCPs from water samples $50 per day
YSI handheld multimeters Measures water quality parameters in stream and in aquatic facility for various projects $50 per day
Dionex Autotrace for SPE extractions Automated SPE for PPCPs and hormones.  $200 per day
Dionex ASE for solid extractions Automated accelerated solvent extraction of solids like fish tissue for PPCP analysis $200 per day
Agilent 2200 Tapestation Measures RNA/DNA quality  $100 per sample
Agilent 1260 LC with UV detector and fraction collector Separates a variety of chemicals for toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) studies.  Collects specific fractions/peaks of individual chemicals.  $500 per sample
Agilent 1260 LC with Agilent 6460 Triple Quad MS Analysis of PPCP, hormones, drugs of abuse.  $1200 per sample
Cytation plate reader Plate reader with imaging capabilities used for cell culture $300 per sample
Bead Beater Homogenizer Homogenizes samples prior to extraction for DNA or RNA $100 per day
Nitrogen Evaporator Recently purchased $50 per day

Waterloo Aquatic Threats in Environmental Research (WATER)

Equipment Used for Fee
Dosing Containment system (x2) Systems for holding and dosing fish $100 per day
Holding tanks Fish holding tanks $50 per day
Auto Liquid handler/ DNA extractor Fully automated liquid handler for many different uses such as extraction for specific RNA kits and loading 96 well plates for analysis.  $600 per sample
Aquatic Habitats (AHAB) AHAB system for holding fish $200 per day
Fish exposure system Chilled fish exposure system for static and flow through exposures of small-bodied fish to a variety of contaminants.  $200 per day

Nanobiosensors facilities and rental fees

Service Equipment Fee
1. Detection of DNA PCR reaction products Real-time PCR thermocycler (CFX96, Bio-Rad) $80 per run (up to 96 tubes per run)
2. PCR amplification of DNA PCR thermocycler (T100, Bio-Rad) $20 per run (up to 96 tubes per run)
3. Gel imaging (fluorescence) Gel Documentation System (ChemDoc, Bio-Rad) $10 per gel
4. Imaging of cells and fluorescent microparticles and microplastics Inverted fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti) $50 per hour
5. Raman characterization of molecules, nanomaterials,
microplastics and other materials
Raman spectrometer (DeltaNu 785) $20 per hour
6. Reading fluorescence and absorbance and chemiluminescence
in 96 well plates (for biosensor validation)
Fluorescence microplate reader (Tecan Spark) $125 per day
7. Reading fluorescence in 96 well plates (for biosensor validation) Fluorescence microplate reader (Tecan M200) $125 per day
8. Measurement of absorbance of samples
(for colorimetric biosensor validation)
UV-vis spectrometer (Agilent 8453A) $100 per day
9. Measurement of fluorescence intensity and lifetime
(for low fluorescence intensity samples)
Fluorometer (Fluoromax 3, Horiba) $20 per hour
10. Measurement of particle size and zeta potential Dynamic light scattering spectrometer (ZetaSizer Nano s90, Malvern) $85 per sample
11. Drying DNA Vacufuge drier (Eppendorf) $20 per run (up to 40 tubes per run)