Steph Slowinski
Steph’s role as a Research Scientist is to manage the University of Waterloo Ecohydrology field deployable systems and field observatory sites as well as to support laboratory activities in the Ecohydrology laboratory facilities. Steph completed her MSc at the University of Waterloo in Earth Sciences with a specialization in Integrated Water Management.

Hang Nguyen
Hang’s role as a Lab Technician is to perform and coordinate laboratory research activities within the research group by analyzing laboratory and field samples of multiple research projects, ensuring that quality assurance procedures are followed in the field and lab, and providing hands-on support and guidance in terms of laboratory and field experiments.

Shuhuan Li
Dr. Shuhuan Li received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Guelph. She is currently the Lab Coordinator for the Multi-scale Environmental Particle Analysis Laboratory within the Ecohydrology Research Group in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo.

Andrew Wiebe
Dr. Wiebe deployed and managed a network of hydrological field stations for the Southern Ontario Water Consortium following his Master's degree at the University of Waterloo. His PhD employed data from the network to investigate groundwater recharge in the Alder Creek watershed, with a particular focus on the spatial variability of rainfall and depression focused recharge phenomena.

Kayla Jennifer Martin
Kayla Martin is a Wilfrid Laurier University graduate in Water Science and Environmental Health (BSc). For the last three years she has worked for the University of Waterloo, where she is currently a member of the Ecohydrology Research Group. Her latest project was with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The international team of scientists conducted a weeklong expedition onboard the R/V LAKE GUARDIAN where she collected sediment core samples from the bottom of Lake Erie.

Yibo Liu
Dr. Yibo Liu received her PhD degree from the University of Waterloo. She is currently the Lab Coordinator of Nanobiosensors Lab Facilities of Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO) at the University of Waterloo. She specializes in developing aptamer-based nanobiosensors for the detection of targets in biological and environmental samples.

Neda Rojhani
Dr. Neda, earned her Ph.D. in Electronics and Electromagnetism Engineering from the University of Florence in 2019, specializes in advanced radar technologies, including GB-SAR, GPR, MIMO, radar interferometry, and antenna design. Currently affiliated with the University of Waterloo's Department of Geography and Environmental Management and the CryoSAR Laboratory, she focuses on applying radar and sensor technologies to monitor snow and natural environments, with a particular emphasis on SAR radar processing to support the Global Water Futures Observatory Programs.

Bhaleka Persaud
Dr. Bhaleka Persaud is a Research Data Management Specialist at the University of Waterloo where she is responsible for ensuring FAIR data management practices for both the Global Water Futures (Observatories) Programs and the Ecohydrology Research Group projects.

Leslie Bragg
Leslie is the Servos lab research manager. She’s responsible for all of the lab management, financial planning, ordering supplies and equipment and hiring undergrad students for work study and co-op positions. She’s involved in all of the various research projects in the laboratory in some way. She is often found organizing and coordinating field work such as electrofishing, river sampling and waste water treatment plant sampling.