Dr. Wiebe deployed and managed a network of hydrological field stations for the Southern Ontario Water Consortium following his Master's degree at the University of Waterloo. His PhD employed data from the network to investigate groundwater recharge in the Alder Creek watershed, with a particular focus on the spatial variability of rainfall and depression focused recharge phenomena. Wiebe studied groundwater discharge into a large lake in Finland during his MSc. Work, and researched well vulnerability in the Yukon and Northwest Territories during his post-doc at McGill University. As the Hydrologic Observatory Manager for the Alder Creek Field Global Water Futures Observatory, Dr. Wiebe is currently supporting researchers investigating groundwater-surface water interactions in the Alder Creek watershed in SW Ontario. This role involves collaborating with students; coordinating equipment purchases and rentals; installing and maintaining groundwater, stream, and weather monitoring equipment in the field; and curating data.