Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Fellowships

Award type:

Award description:
The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the University of Waterloo are pleased to announce annual Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Fellowships to be awarded to international graduate students based on their outstanding promise for excellence of research in Quantum Information Science. The Fellowships will be awarded annually to students pursuing their studies with a member of the IQC in a program at Waterloo. Graduate Fellowships will be awarded to international graduate students. Effective January 1, 2025, students in a Master's degree program will receive a Lazaridis Fellowship of $20,000 plus an additional $11,000 from a Graduate Research Studentship and/or Teaching Assistantship for a total funding package of $31,000. Students in a Doctoral degree program will receive a total funding package of $44,000 comprised of a Lazaridis Fellowship of $34,400 plus an additional $9,600 through a Graduate Research Studentship and/or Teaching Assistantship. Provided that such adjustment does not reasonably impair the endowment principal and Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase, then the award maximums may be adjusted annually for inflation in accordance with consumer price index. Recipients of a Fellowship will also receive a Waterloo award equivalent to tuition*. Awards are renewable for a maximum period of four years provided the recipient maintains a satisfactory academic standing in his or her program. The selection will be made by a committee organized by the Director, Institute for Quantum Computing.

*Recipients of a tuition award will not receive an IDSA

Value description:
Effective January 1, 2025, students in a Master's degree program will receive a maximum of $31,000 per year; students in a Doctoral degree program will receive a maximum of $44,000 per year.

Masters, Doctoral

Engineering→Electrical & Computer Eng; Mathematics→Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics & Optimization, Computer Science, Pure Mathematics; Science→Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy

International/study permit student

Selection process:
Student selected automatically by Faculty/Department

Winter, Spring, Fall
Additional instructions: 

Visit the IQC website for further details. 

Contact person: