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Faculty of Health

Kathy Luu, MSc student in Public Health and Health Systems

Kathy’s research explores healthcare access and use among individuals experiencing extreme poverty in rural communities. Working with International Care Ministries in the Philippines, she conducted interviews with both recipients and providers of healthcare to understand their perspectives on the challenges of healthcare delivery in low resource contexts.

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Laura Healey - Kinesiology and Health Sciences

Laura Healey

A class in undergrad helped Laura Healey make the connection between her personal interest in sports, the field of biomechanics and a possible career in footwear research. She knew that the robust MSc Kinesiology research program would help her on the path to success. Today, Laura is Manager of Footwear Innovation at PUMA in Boston, Massachusetts.

Taylor Kurta

Taylor Kurta

Drawing from her skills as a singer-songwriter and music therapist, and her experiences as a granddaughter of older adults in care, Taylor's research aims to use collaborative songwriting with people living with dementia as a tool to expose and challenge the harmful consequence of dementia stigma. 

Karin Browne - Recreation and Leisure studies

Karin BrowneGrowing up on a Caribbean Island, it was always interesting to Karin Browne that - for a place surrounded by water - few people were competent swimmers. Inspired by this and her love for swimming, Karin's Master's of Arts Recreation and Leisure studies work and research involves increasing access to aquatic programs for BIPOC populations.

Joseph Todd - Recreation and Leisure Studies

Joseph Todd banner image

Not only has gaming become a massively popular spectator sport, even universities are growing their varsity rosters with e-sports teams. Add physical distancing requirements due to COVID-19, and gaming rates will continue to soar.

Kathy Luu - Public Health and Health Systems

Kathy Luu

Kathy Luu, MSc student in the School of Public Health and Health Systems is working under the supervision of Warren Dodd. Her research focuses on the interaction of gender and social networks and how these can be a source of assistance for women experiencing poverty when accessing health-care services in the Phillippines.
