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August 25: Preparing for the fall 2022 term

From: Marianne Simm, Director, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) 
Sent: August 25, 2022  
To: Graduate students
Subject: An update on safety information for the Fall term

As the mornings become cooler, our thoughts shift to sweaters, fall leaves and the upcoming preparations for the fall 2022 term.

The University continues to take steps to create a safe community  that will support you in your academic and personal pursuits, while allowing for the most vibrant student experiences.   Although the mask mandate is currently suspended on campus, we encourage you to continue to wear a tight-fitting, well-constructed mask if you feel it is the right choice for you, in any setting.  If you haven’t already done so, please make sure your vaccination information is current with Campus Check-In, as the vaccination requirement could be reinstated at any time.

The COVID-19 information website will continue to be updated, so check back often.  We will also continue to provide you with information that is relevant and timely to your fall term via email, including some helpful details below.

Important dates

A few key dates to know:

Sept 7: Classes begin

Sept 27: Tuition and fee refund deadline– 100%

Sept 27: Class enrolment period ends

Oct 8-16: Reading week

Oct 25: Tuition and fee refund deadline – 50%

Dec 6: Classes end

Dec 9-23: Final exam period

Getting ready checklist

To do now:

  • Log in to W Store's MyBookLook to view your personalized list of textbooks and course materials required for your courses. Order now and select free pick up from South Campus Hall or ship directly to your door.
  • Review and update your personal information in Quest (i.e., address, phone number, emergency contacts). 
  • Log in to WatIAM to enter an external password recovery email address so you don't get locked out of your University accounts. 
  • If you have a known or suspected disability, condition, illness, or injury, or if you're experiencing impacts from trauma, apply online with AccessAbility Services to develop your academic accommodation plan.
  • Continue to monitor information about coming to campus, online/in-person courses, TAing and supports available on the COVID-19 web page.
  • Confirm which learning format your class will be delivered in.  Check out this learning formats video to learn more. 
  • If you are taking an online course this fall term, review the tips and tricks below.
    • o   Reliable internet access will be required.
    • o   Tools such as a webcam may be used in your course.
    • o   If your instructor is using LEARN (the web-based learning management system):

Before classes start:

  • Check your technology to ensure you can successfully participate in online classes - see LEARN's system, software, and internet requirements.
    • Find technical support on the LEARN help website or send an email to
    •  Log in to LEARN on or after September 7 to see your courses which will be using this platform.
    • If instructors are using other platforms, you can expect:
      • o   An email from your instructor, no later than Friday, September 9, to your email address.
      • o   After September 9, if you still have not heard from your instructor, reach out to them via email.
      • o   Have an online class while on campus? You can use available computer labs, libraries, open study spaces, and empty classrooms.
  • Need IT support? Visit the Student IT Services website for more information.

 To do in September:

  • Health and dental coverage: If you’re a new student starting in the fall term, you can opt out or enroll your spouse and/or dependent children during the change of coverage period from September 6-27, 2022.
  • If you have not picked up your WatCard (student identification card) yet, apply online and pick it up in The Centre (first floor, Needles Hall).
  • Sept 7-27, 2022: Deadline to opt-out of the fall term GRT & ION UPass if you meet the listed restrictions. 
  • Keep an eye out for the Graduate student e-news, which will be delivered to your @uwaterloo email inbox each Thursday, starting on Sept 1. It compiles important information and dates from across campus, specifically for graduate students.
  • Stay connected and supported – visit the campus resources and services and graduate student wellness web pages to learn about the supports that are available to graduate students.

As you prepare to start your fall term, feel free to connect with your supervisor, graduate officer or graduate co-ordinator, or contact me directly if you have outstanding questions.

2022 communications to graduate students
