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01/18: Union representation of graduate student teaching and research assistants

To: Graduate students at the University of Waterloo     

Cc: Faculty Associate Deans, Graduate Studies; Faculty Administrative Assistants, Graduate Studies; Faculty Recruitment Officers; Department/program Graduate Co-ordinators; Department/program Graduate Officers/Associate Chairs; Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs staff; The Centre staff

From: Jeff Casello, Associate Vice-President, Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA)

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024

As we wind down the second week of the winter 2024 term, I am writing to share a recent development related to the unionization of graduate students employed by the University – as described in today’s Daily Bulletin and detailed below.

CUPE to Represent Graduate Student Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants

Before the winter closure, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) applied to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) to become the sole representative of teaching and research assistants (TAs/RAs) at the University of Waterloo.  A vote was held between the 20th and 22nd of December, which resulted in the majority of TAs/RAs who voted, voting in favour of unionization. The final bargaining unit that will be represented by CUPE is yet to be determined. The University looks forward to continuing to interact positively with its TAs and RAs as they advance the University’s teaching and research missions, and to support our graduate students as they pursue their academics.

I want to take this opportunity to reinforce that the University of Waterloo is an institution that facilitates and promotes academic excellence and you, our graduate students, are integral parts of that. You are critical to the delivery of the University’s educational mission as you engage and advance new knowledge through your impactful research and academic studies. Waterloo’s position as a research-intensive University is made possible by the inspirational explorations that you and your supervisors conduct – thank you for your contributions.  

While this new development may change the way graduate students and the University communicate about issues related to TA and RA work, it does not change our commitment to you – to provide a world-class education and community experience.  If you have questions about how this change may impact your graduate studies, please reach out to me:

2024 communications to graduate students
