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06/18: Hot weather and cooling systems on campus

Due to the load that this week’s hot, humid weather conditions are placing on our cooling systems, we are experiencing challenges with our chilled water system in keeping up to the high demand.  

For this reason, we will be prioritizing critical infrastructure and diverting cooling to essential areas of campus. This means that buildings will be warmer than normal, and indoor temperatures can be expected to climb through the day on Wednesday. 

We are in the process of undertaking repairs to restore buildings to more comfortable temperatures. In the interim, we are asking those who are on campus to take the following steps to reduce demand on the system:  

  • Keep blinds or curtains closed in offices and study areas  
  • Turn lights off where natural light permits 
  • Avoid charging electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) unless necessary 
  • Turn off computers and any electronic equipment that is not in use  

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we manage this issue. Your efforts will help us reduce the cooling demand and ensure the safety and comfort of our entire community. 

Thank you for your attention and support. 

Stepanka Elias
Executive Director – Facilities
Plant Operations

2024 communications to graduate students
