Derek Armitage - Environment, Resources and Sustainability

Professor Derek Armitage is the Founder and Director of the Environmental Change and Governance Group and is an Associate Faculty at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. He joined the School of Environment, Resources & Sustainability in the Faculty of Environment in 2011, and has been inspiring students to carry out meaningful and impactful research ever since. Over his career, he has provided guidance for 4 postdoctoral fellows, 18 doctoral and 20 master's students.

Professor Armitage embodies an innate gift to coach his students to identify solutions to challenges on their own terms, which promotes learning, confidence and critical thinking. Equally important, he has had a profound impact on the wellbeing and growth of his students, and understands the importance of building a community for his students within the academia.

Colleagues enjoy every opportunity to serve on the committees of Professor Armitage’s students. He attracts good students who undertake important, well-grounded research, and demonstrates the ability to help his students navigate the often-conflicting advice they receive from multiple different directions. Many regard him as a friend and advisor on matters of family and career. He is profoundly influential in training new generations of scholars, policy makers and strategic thinkers.

Professor Armitage's nomination for the Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision was met with an outpour of enthusiasm and support from current and former students, as well as colleagues. With much admiration, these individuals described his strong commitment to the mentorship, development and education of his students.

Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision winners
