Robert Mann - Physics

Dr. Robert Mann has been a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy for the past 27 years.  He is an internationally recognized theoretical physicist with over 300 publications - a remarkable feat in his field, and also an extremely active graduate supervisor.  He brings in significant research grants and uses these funds to provide as many graduate students as possible with opportunities to enter the field.

Dr. Mann has a knack for inspiring a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe, helping students find their passion, and working hard to nurture that passion.  He works tirelessly and effectively to help his students make a successful start in their careers.

Dr. Mann has supervised 18 postdoctoral fellows, 39 doctoral students, 28 Master’s students, and has kept track of virtually every one of them. Of particular note are the numbers of students who return to Waterloo to continue their studies or endeavours with him, after experiencing research environments elsewhere.

The quality of Dr. Mann’s graduate supervision goes hand-in-hand with his excellence as an educator in general.  In 2010 he was awarded the University of Waterloo Distinguished Teacher Award, the highest teaching honour bestowed upon our faculty.

Considered a “treasure” of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, Dr. Mann is highly regarded by all.

Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision winners
