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Angeline Ram - Geography and Environmental Management

Angeline Ram

"We all want to feel safe and accepted at our workplace. While all workers are susceptible to negative workplace interactions, individuals in equity-seeking groups are more likely to experience bullying, exclusion, racism and discrimination. They are also less likely to report these incidents and remain silent to gain peer acceptance or retain employment.

Angeline Ram, a PhD student in Geography and Environmental Management, spent 18 years in the aviation industry and experienced and observed normalized workplace discrimination. She has leveraged her lived experience into her research, where she studies the experience of underrepresented workers in her industry through the lens of intersectionality. Her research will provide recommendations to policymakers and organizations to enhance employee reporting.

Ram continues her campaign for creating safe, inclusive spaces as a member of PART, the President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce, where she helps advance anti-racism initiatives at the University.

Learn more about the Faculty of Environment’s graduate programs