Bill McIlroy - Kinesiology

Professor Bill McIlroy exemplifies excellence in graduate supervision through his extraordinary capacity to recognize talent and potential in trainees, foster their development, and provide ongoing support throughout their careers. He questions and challenges, while also supporting and inspiring, within a clear framework of mutual expectations and accountabilities. His ‘student’s first’ attitude is not a cliché, but is the priority around which he organizes his time and effort.

While fostering an environment in which trainees develop effective communication skills and establish strong scholarly track records, Prof. McIlroy also inspires a spirit of entrepreneurship, innovative thinking and collaboration by removing limitations in thinking and problem-solving. He instils in his trainees that the goal of scientific research is not to earn a degree or a publication, but to advance our knowledge of science to promote health and well-being and to transform lives.

Prof. McIlroy tailors his approach to each student as an individual with different needs, strengths, and areas for development. He is regarded by his students as both a master mentor and career path navigator. His previous trainees attest to the value of his ongoing mentorship, and pay him the ultimate compliment that a supervisor could receive – emulating his approach with their own students. The impressive cadre of successful researchers, clinicians and other professionals that Prof. McIlroy has trained are a vibrant testament to his legacy of excellence in graduate supervision.

Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision winners
