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Wicked problem course – topic title ideas form

There are many wicked problems in our world, and we want to hear what topics should be addressed in an upcoming course.

The wicked problems course is an upper-year undergraduate course taught by doctoral students at the University of Waterloo.  In winter 2023, the wicked problem that the students solved is one of climate change – you can read about the symposium that showcased the outcomes of the course.

In spring 2024, a new wicked problem course will be offered. Below, please share your topic idea for the course.

Visit the wicked problems course webpage later in the fall term to find out the selected topic. Graduate students - stay tuned for opportunities to teach the course beginning in late fall 2024 (looking for exceptional doctoral students here). Undergraduate students – opportunities to enroll and take on the next wicked problem will begin in winter 2024.

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

Proposed topic/theme for Wicked Problems Course 2024:
Share a bit about yourself