The Emotional Effects of Retirement

About the Workshop

Planning to retire can be a source of both excitement and anxiety. Whatever the emotional response, retirement marks a transition to a new life stage and lifestyle in which daily routines, identity, and roles all change. This session will introduce participants to the emotional effects of retirement. Participants will get an opportunity to reflect on what their ideal retirement looks like and what they can do to make it happen.

About the Facilitator

Alexandra Van Veeren (Presenting the May 26, 2022 session)

Alexandra Van Veeren received a double doctorate in psychology (PhD, PsyD) from the Université du Quebec à Montréal, specializing in industrial-organizational psychology and stress. A licensed psychologist since 2011, she is passionate about workplace health and well-being. A consultant for the past 4 years, she has helped various organizations with research and development, implementing health and well-being programs, candidate selection, crisis management, as well as employee training. Outside of her consulting practice, she is a full-time professor of psychology and methodology at Vanier College.

Ronaye Coulson (Presenting the May 30 & June 6, 2022 sessions)

Ronaye holds a Master of Science degree in Counselling Psychology, in addition to a BSc in both Psychology and Biological Sciences, from the University of Calgary. During this time, Ronaye conducted research in the field of resilience for over six years, and continues to share this knowledge and philosophy through webinar and workshop facilitation, public speaking, and in working as a therapist for over 15 years. Her passion is people, and how connection, meaning, and working with our innate capacities helps us grow and thrive with more joy and ease in our lives.


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