Please note, this is a high-level summary of the services IST-ITMS offers. See the resources at the end of the page for additional information.
Who we are
Information Systems and Technology (IST) is the central Information Technology (IT) group, providing institutional IT support, services and facilities. The 18 staff members within IST-ITMS support people in their use of teaching and learning facilities, offering technical assistance and services to enhance course content and delivery, along with events support, in the classroom and online.
Contact for general questions | Director, Pam Fluttert, 519-888-4567 ext. 45919
Online Learning Environment Services
The online Learning Environment team provides technical support for a variety of learning technologies, including Waterloo LEARN, the web-based learning management system using D2L Brightspace.
- We support the technical use of tools to manage course materials, activities and assessments, collaborate with students outside of the physical classroom, and so on.
- Numerous tools integrate with LEARN for simplified access and single sign-on. LEARN functions both as a component of on-campus blended courses and as a platform for fully online learning.
This team supports technologies in the e-classrooms, in other presentation rooms, for events, or for augmenting systems that are installed in rooms. It also includes the Waterloo Studio.
Waterloo Studio
A professional media production facility in MC1088 (effective February 1, 2023, the Studio will relocate to this temporary location). Skilled staff produce a range of media content to support your instructional needs. We provide creative consultations through to professional delivery of the content, using industry standard technologies.
Services for faculty for creating video or audio recordings include:
- studio video recordings using green screen or white screen (e.g., for flipped classrooms),
- lightboard recordings,
- recording on-site labs or research projects,
- support for creating voice-over presentations (e.g., using Camtasia), and more.
Services can be requested via
Collaborative Technologies
Our collaborateive technologies specialist offers support for real-time online collaboration and teaching tools. Examples of uses include:
- online classrooms,
- office hours,
- meetings, graduate student teamwork rooms,
- and PhD defenses.
Our video conferencing facility can be booked for room-to-room video collaborations. We also can record sessions for later viewing.
Additional resources
- Visit the Keep Learning website or the Educational Technology (EdTech) Hub website for other teaching and learning support resources