Key Performance Indicators - University of Waterloo 2023

as required by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Employment Rates | Degree Completion Rates | COISL Default Rates

Employment Rates

Survey of Graduates of 2020 (Survey year 2022)

Data Updated June 2024

Program Category

Waterloo 6 Months %

Waterloo 2 Years % System* 6 Months % System* 2 Years %
Agriculture/Bio Science 77.9% 88.9% 81.6% 92.9%
Architecture/Landscape 88.2% 88.9% 79.7% 91.4%
Business & Commerce 92.7% 97.2% 88.7% 96.2%
Computer Science 90.4% 98.8% 81.3% 94.8%
Engineering 88.5% 97.5% 81.4% 95.7%
Fine & Applied Arts 71.4% 90.0% 75.3% 91.3%
Health Professions 85.7% 94.3% 87.6% 94.1%
Humanities 80.0% 96.7% 83.1% 93.5%
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys Ed 89.7% 91.8% 88.2% 95.0%
Law 90.0% 100.0% 95.2% 96.7%
Mathematics 84.8% 98.0% 80.2% 93.1%
Optometry 97.9% 98.0% 97.9% 98.4%
Other Arts & Science 78.3% 92.7% 84.2% 94.1%
Pharmacy 96.9% 100.0% 95.0% 99.4%
Physical Science 84.6% 95.5% 82.2% 94.4%
Social Sciences 82.2% 95.8% 84.9% 94.4%
Theology 100.0% 100.0% 92.0% 96.6%
Overall Average 87.1% 96.3% 86.2% 95.1%

*System (Ontario universities) overall averages include program categories that are not offered at the University of Waterloo.

Cell counts less-than or equal -to 10 are displayed as "x".

The employment rate is the number of employed persons expressed as a percentage of those persons who were employed, or unemployed but looking for work.

Ontario universities surveyed the 2020 graduates of undergraduate degree programs. Graduates were asked about their employment situation six months and two years after graduation.

For more information about career opportunities for University of Waterloo. graduates, visit Career Services.

Degree Completion Rates

For the 2014 Year-One Cohort 

Data updated June 2024

Program Category

Waterloo %

System* %
Agriculture/Bio Sciences 86.5%  
Architecture/Landscape 91.3%  
Business & Commerce 84.4%  
Computer Science 85.2%  
Engineering 89.6%  
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys Ed 87.3%  
Mathematics 87.0%  
Optometry 98.9%  
Other Arts and Science 81.6%  
Other Health Professions 87.4%  
Pharmacy 97.5%  
Physical Science 75.0%  
Social Sciences 81.1%  
Overall Average 86.0%  

*System (Ontario universities) overall average includes program categories that are not offered at the University of Waterloo. 

This table shows the percent of first-year students in September 2014 who received any University of Waterloo undergraduate degree by 2021. The program categories shown in the table are those from September 2014.

The degree completion rates shown are somewhat understated for the University of Waterloo. Students who study for one or two years at the University of Waterloo then transfer to a program at another university, for example medicine which the University of Waterloo does not offer, are computed as not receiving a degree at the University of Waterloo.

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has calculated the degree completion rates shown in this table.

COISL Default Rates

2022 (June 2024)

System data by program not available

Program Category Waterloo % System* %
Agriculture/Bio Science X  
Architecture/Landscape 1.3%  
Business & Commerce 0.0%  
Computer Science 0.3%  
Engineering 0.4%  
Fine and Applied Arts X  
Humanities X  
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys Ed X  
Law X  
Mathematics 0.0%  
Optometry 0.0%  
Other Arts and Science 1.3%  
Other Health Professions X  
Pharmacy 0.0%  
Social Sciences 0.0%  
Theology X  
Overall Average 0.8% 1.8%

Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan Default Rate (COISL) includes those who defaulted on Canada Student Loans and Ontario Student Loans. The 2022 OSAP loan repayment measures reflect the repayment status of students who:

  • were issued COISLs in the 2018-19 academic year, and
  • completed or left their studies by 2019-20.

The default status of these loans was assessed as of July 2022, about two years after the 2018-19 academic year.

*System (Ontario universities) overall average includes program categories that are not offered at the University of Waterloo.

Loan recipient counts less-than or equal -to 10 are displayed as "x".

Waterloo provides information to students about financial aid through the Student Awards Office.

The work experience students receive as part of our co-operative education programs provide them with funding while studying and good jobs with good incomes after graduation. For more information about our co-op programs, visit the Co-op Education and Career Services website.

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has calculated the OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) default rates shown in this table.

RAP Usage Rates

The Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) provides help to borrowers having difficulty repaying their government student loans. If their RAP application is approved, either no payment is required, or the borrower qualifies for a reduced payment for six months.

The borrower’s family income (borrower, and spouse if applicable), family size and amount of student loan debt are used to determine eligibility.

2022 (Published June 2024)

Program Category Waterloo % System* %
Agriculture/Bio Science X  
Architecture/Landscape 21.3%  
Business & Commerce 8.3%  
Computer Science 3.9%  
Engineering 6.8%  
Fine and Applied Arts X  
Humanities X  
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys Ed X  
Law X  
Mathematics 5.6%  
Optometry 10.9%  
Other Arts and Science 17.7%  
Other Health Professions X  
Pharmacy 10.7%  
Social Sciences 19.6%  
Theology x  
Overall Rate 12.8% 20.0%

RAP Usage Rates - Ontario institutions

Ontario Institution

2022 RAP Usage Rate
University of Waterloo 12.8%
Queen's University 15.0%
McMaster University 15.6%
Nipissing University 15.9%
University of Ottawa 16.1%
University of Guelph 16.6%
Western University 17.3%
Brock University 17.5%
Lakehead University 18.0%
Wilfrid Laurier University 18.1%
Laurentian University 19.8%
Carleton University 20.0%
University of Toronto 20.6%
Trent University 22.0%
University of Windsor 23.5%
Ontario Tech University 24.8%
York University 25.2%
Toronto Metropolitan University 25.8%
Ontario College of Art and Design 33.3%

*System (Ontario universities) overall average includes program categories that are not offered at the University of Waterloo.

Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) Usage Rates: the number of borrowers who used RAP for one or more terms expressed as a percentage of the number of loan recipients.

RAP usage counts less-than or equal -to 10 are displayed as "x".

Waterloo provides information to students about financial aid through the Student Awards Office.

The work experience students receive as part of our co-operative education programs provide them with funding while studying and good jobs with good incomes after graduation. For more information about our co-op programs, visit the Co-op Education and Career Services website.

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has calculated the RAP rates.