LEARN Available

Friday, February 1, 2013

Update: 5:00PM

The Waterloo LEARN system has been running since about 12:30pm. We have done local testing and people are on the system, and it appears to be performing normally. We feel the system is stable and that it can go back into normal use. Desire2Learn continues to monitor their hosting site and
we will continue to check for any alerts. A thorough investigation into events will begin next week, in collaboration with D2L.

Thank you for your patience during this difficult time.

LEARN still unavailable
In an update this morning, D2L has moved much of the data to the upgraded data infrastructure they put in place last fall. They continue to move data, and also attempt to make improvements to the other data
infrastructure to allow remaining clients, including us, to return to
normal. We will update you as soon as we have substantive information.

In addition to email updates from D2L, we have another phone call booked at noon. Our priority is to have a time line to completion so people can

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