Completing a group assessment

  1. To complete a group assessment, on the My Submissions tab, click the Details button for the project.Click the Details button
  2. In the Group Assessment section, find the member of your group that you wish to assess first and click on the Required button under their name.Click the Required button
  3. Read the instructions carefully and complete the Grading Form for your group member. The form for each course/project will be different and can consist of questions where you choose a numeric score, questions where you choose a descriptive rating from a list, or questions that are open-ended where you provide written feedback in a comment box.
    Dropdown of score fieldDropdown of rating field
  4. When you are done, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form.
  5. This will bring you back to the Details page of the My Submissions tab and you will see the score of the grading form you just completed.The score of the grading form just completed
  6. Repeat the previous steps until you have completed the required assessments for all the remaining members of your group.
  7. If you are required to complete a self-assessment as well, click the Required button under your own name to evaluate yourself using the same grading form.Click the Required button under your own name to complete a self-assessment