Providing instructor evaluation of peer review

  1. Navigate to the desired project.
  2. Select the Reviews tab.Click on the Reviews tab
  3. ​​​​​​Under Instructor's Evaluation of Review there will be a Required button if there is a review that needs to be evaluated by the instructor.A Required button under the Instructor's Evaluation of Review indicates that it is available to the instructor 
  4. Click on the Required button to evaluate the review. Click the Required button for the review you want to evaluate
  5. To download the peer review file associated with the review (if applicable) click on the link next to Review Submission File
    If you would like to download the original file submitted, click on the link next to Draft Submission Files.Click on file for Draft Submission to download. Click on file for Review Submission Files to download.

    Note: It is recommended to include the Draft Submission ID/Review Submission ID in the filename that you download, so that later when you are submitting your evaluation you can ensure that you are recording the feedback for the matching review. 
  6. To view the grading form completed by the student reviewer, click on the magnifying glass beside Review Submission GradeClick on the magnifying glass beside Review Submission Grade
  7. If using a Grading Form, complete the grading form.Complete grading form if required
  8. If there are required files, click on the Choose File button and select the desired file from your device to be uploaded. 
  9. Click on the Submit button to save your evaluation. Click on the Submit button

Deleting an Instructor Evaluation of a Peer Review

  1. Navigate to the desired project. 
  2. Click on the Reviews tab. Click on Reviews tab
  3. Under Instructor's Evaluation of Review, click on the trash can icon for the user's evaluation you want to delete.Click the Recycling bin icon next to the Instructor Evaluation of Review you want to delete
  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.