Alumni electronic resources

The Library is pleased to extend access to the following list of electronic resources for personal, non-commercial use.

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In addition to the below restricted resources, you may find the page on Finding Open Access content helpful. An increasing number of researchers are publishing their research open access, which means they are freely available to anyone. 

Title Description

Annual Reviews

Description Comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists and social scientists.

Asian American Drama

Description Includes the full-text of more than 250 plays, together with biographical, production, and theatrical information. Includes plays with historical and sociological relevance. 
Title Black Drama Description Full text of about 1,200 plays from around the world, along with production information, selected photographs, and playbills. About 440 of the plays were not previously published. 

Black Thought and Culture

Description Full-text non-fiction works by leading African-Americans.  Includes monographs, essays, articles, speeches, letters and interviews. Search by keyword, author, subject, event, year, etc.

British and Irish Women’s Letters and Diaries

Description Provides the full-text diaries and letters of 430 women, including approximately 80,000 pages of writing. When complete, the collection will include more than 100,000 pages of primary materials spanning more than 300 years. 


Description A growing collection of French-language ejournals for the humanities and social sciences. Formed in 1995 from four European publishing houses, CAIRN provides journals from publishers, teaching institutions and learned societies. 
Title Canadiana Online Description Find documents from 1st European contact to recent student activism, including items relating to Indigenous-settler relations, cookbooks, women's writings, and more.

China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793-1980

Description Full-text English-languages materials on China and the West from the School of Oriental and African Studies and the British Library. Includes written documents, paintings, drawings and maps.

Classical Music Library


Provides access to tens of thousands of licensed recordings via the Internet. Users at the library may listen using headphones. The audio selections are cross-referenced to a database of supplementary reference information.

Reference material includes thousands of program notes, biographies of composers, images sorted by composer, concerts on a theme, a glossary and a history of music. Users may register and create their own playlists or listen to those ready-made.

Defining Gender, 1450-1910


Includes full-text manuscripts, printed works and illustrations, providing both masculine and feminine perspectives. Organized into broad themes:

  • Conduct and Politeness
  • Domesticity and the Family
  • Consumption and Leisure
  • Education and Sensibility
  • The Body

Early Encounters in North America: People, Cultures and the Environment

Description Contains material from 1,482 authors and more 100,000 pages of letters, diaries, memoirs. All the material includes descriptions of natural features or interactions among cultural groups. 

Eighteenth Century Journals, Collections I and II

Description Rare, full-text journals. ECCO covers all aspects of 18th century social, political and literary life.

Empire Online

Description Images of original manuscripts and printed materials produced between 1492 and 1962. Taken from libraries around the world. Links to essays by scholars. Covers Africa, the Americas, Australasia, Oceana and South Asia. A work in progress, which will eventually contain five parts.


Description Full-text, peer reviewed Canadian journal articles, chiefly in French. Erudit is an inter-university consortium promoting the dissemination of scholarly research.
Title Film Scripts Online Description Includes about 1,000 scripts. Includes films that have won major awards or have historical or sociological significance.

Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism

Description Comprehensive historical survey of the field's most important figures, schools, and movements and is updated annually. It includes almost 300 alphabetically arranged entries and subentries on critics and theorists, critical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods.


Description Core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences, many of which date from the 1800s.  

Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama and Fiction

Description Full-text plays, prose and poetry by Latin writers working in the United States. Materials are chiefly from the Chicano Renaissance to the present. Presented in the original language (Spanish or English). 

Mass Observation Online

Description Papers from the archives of Mass Observation, a pioneering British social research organization. Includes both material collected by investigators and material submitted by volunteers.

Medieval Travel Writing

Description Important works of European travel writing from the later middle ages. Chiefly focuses on journeys to central Asia and the Far East.

North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral Histories

Description Includes more than 2,000 authors and approximately 100,000 pages of personal narratives of immigrants to Canada and the United States. In selected cases, the voices of the immigrants are heard on audio.
Title North American Indian Thought and Culture Description Currently contains about 27,000 pages of text and images, including biographies, autobiographies, diaries, letters, personal narratives and speeches. About 100,000 pages, relating to the experience of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples, are planned for the project.
Title North American Women's Drama Description Full-text plays along with biographical information and information about theatres, productions and production companies. Chiefly American playwrights, with some Canadian. Contains more 1,500 plays, about 20 per cent of which have not been previously published.
Title North American Women's Letters and Diaries Description Includes 150,000 pages of primary source material, taken from journal articles, pamphlets, newsletters, monographs, and conference proceedings. Much of the material is copyrighted. About 6,000 pages have not been previously published. The bulk of the material is by American writers, with some material from Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean.
Title OECD iLibrary Description Twenty book collections by theme, containing all the OECD's monographs and reports; 24 periodicals; some reference titles; and the OECD statistical databases (many of the IEA statistical files are not included with our subscription). Themes include Agriculture, Development, Education and Skills, Emerging Economies, Employment, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Finance and Investment, General Economics, Governance, Industry & Trade, National Accounts, Nuclear Energy, Science and Information Technology, Social Issues, Taxation, Territorial Economy, Transition Economies and Transport.
Title Past Masters Description Consists of 117 databases of authoritative editions of full-text works by seminal figures in the Humanities. Areas of coverage include philosophy, women writers, political thought and religious studies. Documents appear in both the original language and English translations.

Project Muse

Description Provides access to the full text of the scholarly journals from the following publishers: Johns Hopkins University, Carnegie Mellon University Press, Duke University Press, Indiana University Press, MIT Press, Oxford University Press, Pennsylvania State University Press, University of Hawaii Press, University of Texas Press, and the University of Wisconsin Press. Project MUSE covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and others.

Sage Journals

Description A selection of ejournals published by Sage.

Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice

Description Includes manuscripts, pamphlets, books, paintings, maps and images to support slavery and abolition studies.
Title Theatre in Context Collection Description Comprehensive reference work covering all aspects of the Canadian and American Theatre. The database features in-depth detail records, including many previously unpublished works by major authors. North American Theatre Online lists partial works, works that have never been performed, and works that were believed lost, providing researchers with unique information.
Title Theatre in Video Description Contains streaming video of more than 250 of the world’s most important plays, together with more than 100 video documentaries. Also includes the full text of plays, their history of performance, production background, reference materials and ephemera. Also includes the ability to bookmark specific scenes, monologues, and staging examples and then include those online links in papers and course reserves. The included plays are predominately 20th century masterpieces, as well as many Shakespeare productions.
Title Twentieth Century North American Drama Description

Growing database of plays created in the twentieth century by American or Canadian writers, focussing in particular on plays of economic, historical, social, and political significance. Also included are associated playbills, posters, production ephemera, information on theatrical companies, and biographical details. The database contains many previously unpublished plays, and aims to include the entire corpus of works by major authors.

The collection includes texts and details of plays that subsequently were made into films, and sections devoted to regional theatre and contemporary theatre.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000

Description A growing collection of full-text documents, plus scholarly essays, book reviews, commentaries, bibliographies, and teaching tools relating to women's society history in the United States.