Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thonExport this event to calendar

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 — 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST

Art+Feminism logo

Only 10% of Wikipedia contributors identify as female, which has led to an under representation of women-focused pages. The University of Waterloo Library is hosting an edit-a-thon as part of the Art+Feminism movement aimed at disrupting this trend.

Space is limited - register now!

First-time and experienced editors welcome! Basic Wikipedia editing skills are required, though hands-on assistance (and encouragement!) will be available on-site. See the event page or Wikipedia help page for online training resources and assistance. New editors are encouraged to create an account ahead of the event.

A limited number of computers will be available on-site, as well as workspace for personal laptops. You are also welcome to participate from home by simply adding your name to the attendees section.

LIB - Dana Porter Library
Flex Lab, LIB 329
200 University Avenue West

Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
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