The librarian/archivist ranks and advancement criteria is a professional advancement guide for assessing performance, impact on the organization and profession, and readiness to advance of a librarian/archivist. The criteria are:
Key accountabilities: The Librarian/Archivist demonstrates a high level of competence in their jobs. Strong performance in these areas is a mandatory criterion for advancement. The Librarian/Archivist must fulfill the key accountabilities of a particular rank in order to advance to that rank.
In addition, the Librarian/Archivist must provide evidence of rank appropriate achievement in at least two other criteria areas that best demonstrate impact, performance or readiness to advance.
Professional and community service: The Librarian/Archivist contributes professional expertise in service activities that benefit the Library, the University, professional or off-campus communities, through, for example: participating on teams, committees, and other work groups; undertaking cooperative initiatives with other university colleagues; participating in training or teaching programs.
Professional development and research: The Librarian/Archivist participates in professional development and research activities that may include: participating in professional associations or communities, publishing in a professional or scholarly forums, engaging in continuing studies or other relevant activities that advance professional growth.
Specialized and advanced application of knowledge: The Librarian/Archivist possesses and shares knowledge in an academic discipline or area of professional specialization indicated, in part, by the degree to which others consult them for advice, guidance and mentorship or project leadership.
Leadership and initiative: The Librarian/Archivist fosters commitment to organizational goals or strategies by creating a positive environment within which people are motivated towards the achievement of individual and/or group goals. Leaders are found not only among managerial or supervisory staff; strong leaders exist throughout the organization and includes the ability to guide, direct, and influence.
The ranks and their criteria are also available in a table format in the PDF document attached below.
Rank 1 - USG 10
The Librarian/Archivist is a professional with a good understanding of the principles of librarianship/archival practice. Under general supervision, they demonstrate the ability to work independently within established practices and procedures. They work well with others, showing and gaining respect within their key areas of accountability. Librarians/Archivists at this level exhibit good judgement and a promise of the ability to handle an increasing level of responsibility. They are beginning to engage in professional activities that contribute to the success of their unit and the Library.
Key accountabilities
The Librarian/Archivist is beginning to meet the requirements of the position in all key accountability areas. Under general supervision the Librarian/Archivist is familiarizing themselves with all aspects of the position and is adjusting to their work environment.
Professional and community service
The Librarian/Archivist participates in department projects and occasionally sits on working groups or committees. May contribute in a professional capacity to community activities or services.
Professional development and research
The Librarian/Archivist joins and attends conferences and meetings of professional associations or communities. They are pursuing professional development opportunities and may be engaged inwriting, research or other types of professional or scholarly activities.
Specialized and advanced application of knowledge
The Librarian/Archivist is developing an understanding of an academic discipline or area of professional specialization.
Leadership and initiative
The Librarian/Archivist is establishing constructive relationships with others in order to achieve positive outcomes. They interact diplomatically with people who have differing opinions.
Rank 2 - USG 11
The Librarian/Archivist is a competent professional who applies specialized knowledge to the benefit of the Library and broader campus or professional communities. With limited supervision, they exert greater influence and impact by taking on increasingly complex duties including the planning, management, and direction of initiatives/projects. There is evidence of sound judgement in the work they do and in interactions with others. Librarians/Archivists at this level demonstrate the ability to work with and guide others in a positive manner. They are involved in professional activities that contribute to the success of their unit and the Library.
Key accountabilities
The Librarian/Archivist meets the requirements of the position in all key accountability areas. They demonstrate greater independence and impact within their department or the Library and exercise sound judgement in personal interactions and decision making. Their approach to the job regularly produces successful results.
Professional and community service
The Librarian/Archivist takes on and successfully completes additional responsibilities within committees, projects or initiatives. They improve services or systems through the sharing or application of expertise.
Professional development and research
The Librarian/Archivist contributes to a professional association or community. They are active in professional development or research activities that contribute to their professional/personal growth and that of the profession.
Specialized and advanced application of knowledge
The Librarian/Archivist has and is able to communicate a depth of knowledge about an academic discipline or area of professional specialization. They are called upon by Library, University and professional colleagues for input and direction.
Leadership and initiative
The Librarian/Archivist maintains productive and collaborative relationships and provides advice and guidance to individuals formally or informally. Their encouragement results in the participation of others in achieving common goals.
Rank 3 - USG 12
The Librarian/Archivist is an experienced professional, with a high level of specialized knowledge that contributes to the advancement of the Library or campus initiatives. They are trusted to take on leadership roles that fall within their areas of expertise. They have demonstrated initiative and the ability to bring colleagues and others on side toward common goals in a respectful and positive manner. Librarians/Archivists at this level make significant contributions to their unit and Library initiatives and are able to work with a variety of groups. They are a resource for other colleagues and demonstrate solid professional judgement.
Key accountabilities
The Librarian/Archivist meets the requirements of the position in a manner that demonstrates a depth and breadth of professional knowledge. With minimal supervision they produce positive results within their department or Library. They exert significant influence and impact in their key accountability areas while maintaining constructive working relationships.
Professional and community service
The Librarian/Archivist is an effective member or leader of a committee, project or initiative. They are an effective leader or member who is relied upon to deliver successful results.
Professional development and research
The Librarian/Archivist has demonstrated growth through increased involvement or impact within a professional association or community. They are contributing to developments in areas of specialization or the greater profession by engaging in professional discourse or research activities.
Specialized and advanced application of knowledge
The Librarian/Archivist demonstrates expertise in an academic discipline or area of professional specialization. They provide guidance and advice to Library, University and professional colleagues relating to this specialization.
Leadership and initiative
The Librarian/Archivist builds productive and collaborative relationships. They encourage others to take actions of continuing and significant value to the Library. They take initiative in identifying areas for improvement and demonstrate leadership in successfully implementing approaches to problem solving.
Rank 4 - USG 13
The Librarian/Archivist is recognized both internally and externally for the impact of their work. They have made outstanding contributions to the profession or the broader academic community and have a history of distinguished service. They possess advanced/specialized knowledge and contribute to the overall success of the Library by, for example, providing leadership and actively mentoring or sharing expertise and experience with their colleagues in inclusive and progressive ways.
Key accountabilities
The Librarian/Archivist meets the requirements of the position in a clearly distinguished way. Their performance accomplishes outstanding results that are recognized throughout the Library or broadly within the University. They lead by example and are regularly called upon by others for their expertise and advice.
Professional and community service
The Librarian/Archivist develops and implements innovative solutions to professional or community problems resulting in widely recognized service or system enhancements. They are relied upon as a leader in their working and professional environments.
Professional development and research
The Librarian/Archivist has an established record of significant impact on a professional association or community. They are recognized for their impact on the profession and engage in advanced study or research in areas of specialization.
Specialized and advanced application of knowledge
The Librarian/Archivist has a proven ability to apply knowledge and expertise in a creative and impactful way. They are recognized as significant contributors in their local or professional communities.
Leadership and initiative
The Librarian/Archivist fosters productive and collaborative relationships. They lead by example and create a positive and constructive work environment. They are widely recognized for their ability to motivate others in ways that contribute to the overall success of the Library. They provide sound and consistent leadership, actively mentor, and share their knowledge and experiences with others.