With an intent to raise awareness of Open Access, Creative Commons, and Open Access Week, the Library is please to offer a pizza dinner and screening of The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz.
"Premiered at the 2014 Sundance Festival, The Internet’s Own Boy details renowned ‘hactivist’ Aaron Swartz's early fascination with computers and eagerness to learn, which helped him become one of the brightest minds involved with the creation of the Internet as we know it today. Some of his achievements including creating RSS, helping develop Creative Commons, and co-founding Reddit. Although he wasn't interested in formal schooling, Swartz believed people should always be questioning society in order to understand how we can make it better. His passion for libraries and accessible information drove him to download almost 4 million scholarly journals from JSTOR. Unfortunately, this led to his arrest and a two-year legal battle under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act before his tragic death. Swartz's dedication to prevent SOPA (Stop Online Privacy Act) from passing inspired many, including major companies like Wikipedia and Google, to create a blackout for a single day emphasizing his belief that the Internet should be free and open for everyone.”
- Commonsensemedia.org
Pizza will be provided on a first-come first-served basis.
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1