Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement
- Students, faculty, and staff from most Canadian universities are eligible to borrow material according to the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement.
- Privileges are granted until September 15 of the current academic year; a library card from the home university must be presented.
- Twenty books at a time may be borrowed for two week loan period.
Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO)
- Twenty books at a time may be borrowed for two week loan period.
- The cost of the CAO member’s card is subsidized by a subvention from the Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund. Due to the nature of the grant, subsidies are only extended to CAO members who are not University of Waterloo alumni until funds have been depleted.
- To be eligible for the subsidy, registration must occur at the Witer Learning Resource Centre.
Continuing education students
- Twenty books at a time may be borrowed for two week loan period. There is a $20 annual registration fee.
Institute of Computer Research (ICR)
- A letter of introduction from ICR is required.
- Privileges are extended for one year at a time.
- Associates may borrow 20 books at a time for two weeks.
- Partners may borrow an unlimited number of books for a term loan.
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics/Institute for Quantum Computing
- Visiting scholars and postdoctoral fellows are to provide a letter of introduction from the Department of Physics and Astronomy to show their affiliation with University of Waterloo.
- An unlimited number of books may be borrowed for a term loan.
Shad Valley students
- Twenty books at a time may be borrowed for two weeks loan period.
- Privileges are extended for duration of program, usually the month of July.