What are study zones?
Study zones apply to the entire Davis Centre Library and are guidelines on noise, cell phone use, and food and drink. The guidelines are enforced at all times.
Why did the Library create study zones?
The goal of study zones is to support students by providing an environment that is pro-study and anti-disruption.
How can I report someone who is disregarding the guidelines?
Please contact a staff member to report individuals disregarding the Davis Centre Library study zone guidelines. Staff are available at the circulation desk and may also be found monitoring the floor.
Why isn't hot food permitted?
Hot food (like pizza, french fries, etc.) tends to be more aromatic, messier, and therefore, more disruptive to other individuals studying in the Davis Centre Library.
What happens if I disregard the guidelines?
If you disregard the guidelines, you may be asked to leave the library. If you are escorted out of the library by police on more than one occasion, your library privileges will be suspended until the end of the term.
How can I appeal?
Appeals can be made in writing to Sarah Martin or Jennifer Haas and will be considered on a case by case basis.