Due to inclement weather the Libraries are closed today, Sunday, February 16th.

Systematic reviews support

Need help with a systematic review? 

University of Waterloo librarians are available to provide a range of support services for research teams, faculty and students who are conducting systematic reviews and other knowledge synthesis projects such as scoping reviews, meta-analysis, literature reviews, etc.

Our expertise

The specialization of the librarian encompasses the activities typically engaged by the role of the information specialist on a systematic review research team. This includes:

  • Formulation of research question
  • Development of search methods including academic database selection and search strategy construction
  • Grey literature searching
  • Management of references and organization of the screening process
  • Library services such as interlibrary loan (ILL)
  • Expertise in critical appraisal
  • Writing the methods section for manuscript

Contact the librarian for your department or school for further assistance or to arrange a meeting.

Our services

We offer different types of services depending on the type of project and researchers involved, e.g. grant-funded project vs student dissertation or coursework. These include:

  • Consultation: one to two-hour meeting to discuss the project and provide guidance and advice
  • Education: work with members of the research team to ensure that everyone has the understanding and skills necessary to conduct systematic search methods
  • Co-researcher: join the research team as a contributing member with full co-author participation. This level of contribution must be negotiated at the start of the project.

Contact a librarian

Librarian contact information

Related links

Systematic Reviews and More (School of Public Health and Health Systems and Kinesiology Research Guide)

Types of Review Articles (Pharmacy Research Guide)


Covidence, a web-based software, streamlines the production of reviews supporting citation screening, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data and references.

Visit the Covidence guide for more information on signing-up for a Covidence account.