Web redesign update

The team working on the Website Redesign and Migration has been busy the last two weeks.  Here are the major areas of activity we have been working on.

1. Communications 

  • Sharepoint: we've brought project information into one site available to all Library staff
  • Blog: we've revived the Library Web Redesign Blog (this site) for broader communications to campus on the project
  • Feedback: we've established a series of weekly facilitated meetings to discuss the feedback received from staff regarding the pilot website

2. Project Management

  • Timelines: we revisited the timelines for the remaining sites and articulated project milestones for each, available on Sharepoint
  • Content development team: A new expanded and refocused meeting Thursday afternoons brings together the core project leadership with key content developers for weekly working meetings
  • Project leadership team: we established a new weekly meeting Wednesday mornings for the core project team to discuss and decision project items (Pascal, Annie, Esther, Helena, Rose)

3. Design and Usability

  • Responsive design and integrated search box work continues on the pilot site
  • Following work done in 2011, a "post-test" repeat usability test with users informing Information Architecture and usability of the site is being planned for beginning in January 2015
  • The Project leadership team met with Andrea Sweet, Manager, Web Design & Digital Communications in Marketing & Strategic Communications to discuss and plan for a rebranding consultation to start in January