January 2014

Library beta site open house December 18 summary

Hello everyone,

Thanks to those of you who attended last Thursday’s session. For those unable to come, here’s a brief overview.

Web redesign update

The team working on the Website Redesign and Migration has been busy the last two weeks.  Here are the major areas of activity we have been working on.

Website wish list: feedback and ideas from library staff

The Library WCMS team is holding monthly open house meetings for library staff as a way of sharing project news/developments and getting feedback.

The first open house was in March and library staff had some great ideas for what they want to see in the Library's new website:

Getting started with personas in the Library

What is a persona?

Personas are fictitious users developed using information gathered through user research. They provide a practical approach to understanding the needs of key target audience and keeping user perspectives in mind throughout the web development lifecycle.  Personas typically include the following items:

  • Name
  • Demographics
  • Goals / Needs
  • Abilities / Devices

Why are personas and user profiles important?

Keep up with the Library's website redesign

Welcome to the Library's website redesign news blog. Moving forward, this is your primary source for the latest news on the redesign project – including new site launches, plans for the main site, and opportunities to get involved and provide feedback.