

My student Parichit Kumar was placed in 3rd place at the Holistic Innovation for Additive Manufacturing (HI-AM) conference in June 2021 for his poster titled "Design and Analysis of a Magnetic Levitation Systems for Additive Manufacturing Applications".

Currently, Parichit is doing research on Magnetic Levitation for Additive Manufacturing.

Parichit Kumar - HI-AM 2021 3rd-place poster presentation award


Won “Best Paper” in Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Session at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Conference on Information Storage and Process Systems (ISPS'13), Santa Clara University, California, USA. Co-authored with P. Patel.

Image with all the other listed winners of ISPS Best Paper, along with Behrad's paper highlighted

My students, R. Ribeiro and E. Asadi jointly won "Best in Theme" HQP Poster Competition at Toyota Canada Auto21 Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Certificates indicating that his students won the
Behrad and his two students


Won the Best Paper in the Biomedical and Smart Machines Track at the ASME ISPS 2008 Conference in Santa Clara, USA. Co-authored with B. EbrahimiFGolnaraghi.

Certificate illustrating Behrad's award for winning the Best Paper


My student received “Best Student Conference Paper Award (Finalist)” for a joint paper written, International Conference on Mechantronics Automation (ICMA) 2005 conference in Niagara Falls, Canada. Co-authored with D. Craig.

Behrad's student wins