Adding a contact in Skype for Business

Adding a contact

Remote video URL

Add a contact who is in your organization

  1. In the search box, type the person's name, IM address, or phone number.

    When the Skype for Business Search box is empty, the available tabs are Groups, Status, Relationships, and New.

    As you type, the view automatically changes to My Contacts, which lets you search your organization's address book.

    When My Contacts is highlighted, you can search your organization's address book.
  2. Right-click the person's picture > Add to Contacts List > choose the contact group.

Add a contact who has a Skype account

Before you can add contacts who have Skype accounts, your administrator has to enable Skype Directory search for your organization. If you don't see a Skype Directory tab like the one shown in the following steps, it hasn't been enabled.

  1. In the search box, type the person's name, email address, IM address, or Skype phone number.

    When the Skype for Business Search box is empty, the available tabs are Groups, Status, Relationships, and New.
  2. As you type, the view changes to My Contacts. Choose Skype Directory. If you don't see this option, then your admin hasn't enabled Skype Directory search for your organization.

    When Skype Directory is highlighted, you can search for people who have Skype accounts.
  3. Right-click the person's picture > Add to Contacts List > choose the contact group.

    IMPORTANT: After you add the person to your contacts list, their status is pending. They are supposed to sign in to Skype and accept your request.

  4. If you sent your Skype contact a request and they never receive it, ask them to send you a request to chat. In these instances, that often establishes the connection.

Add an external contact (someone not in your organization or using Skype)

  1. In Skype for Business, choose the contacts icons as shown below. Then choose Add a contact not in my organization > Other.

    Choose Contacts > add contacts icon.
  2. Type the person's email address. (If you don't know it, or they don't have one, you can enter a placeholder email address, such as, that you'll change to their real name later).

  3. Right-click the contact you just added, and choose See contact card.

  4. Choose Add.

    Choose Add.
  5. Now you can enter additional information for the person. If you entered a placeholder email address, type the person's real name in the Name box. Choose Save.

    IMPORTANT: If you get the Check Full Name box, choose OK. Otherwise your changes to the Name box won't be saved.

    Choose OK.