Headshot of Dr. Ava Agar

Dr. Ava Agar received her doctoral degree for the University of Saskatchewan in 2018. She is autonomously licensed with the College of Psychologists of Ontario to practice in Clinical Psychology with Adults and Adolescents. 

Dr. Agar works in private practice in Waterloo, providing therapy and comprehensive psychoeducational assessments. While Dr. Agar’s private practice work primarily focuses on assessment at present, she also provides evidenced-based therapy (e.g., Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to support individuals with various social, emotional, and cognitive difficulties, including learning difficulties, executive dysfunction, anxiety, trauma and related disorders, and OCD and related disorders. She also provides consultation for assessment services. 

Prior to engaging in private practice, Dr. Agar worked at the University of Waterloo’s Counselling Services program providing assessments and therapy and coordinating the department’s psychological assessment services. Dr. Agar received training at Parkridge Centre and Quality of Life Program (long-term care), Royal University Hospital’s Clinical Health Psychology Unit, Saskatoon City Hospital’s Rehabilitation and Geriatric Services Unit, Seniors’ Health in Long-term and Continuing Care, Rural and Remote Memory Clinic for Rural Dementia Care, Mental Health and Addiction’s Children’s Services, Lutherwood Children’s Mental Health, Waterloo Region District School Board, Centre for Mental Health Research and Treatment, and the University of Waterloo’s Counselling Services. 

Adjunct Faculty