Relief Kits for Refugees
Organized by Dr. Elizabeth Nilsen, clinical faculty, graduate students, and staff from the Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) in the Department of Psychology gathered items for Refugee Relief Kits in lieu of exchanging gifts at their recent holiday party. Items for the Relief Kits included blankets and sheets, as well as soaps, shampoo, towels, combs, bandaids, etc.
When he learned of this initiative by the CMHR, the Chair of the Department of Psychology, Dr. Mike Dixon responded “What an absolutely wonderful idea. Two things struck me about the CMHR. One – the fact that you guys exchange gifts in the first place suggests that you genuinely care about each other, which bodes well for the success of an enterprise like the CMHR. Two – the fact that you would think about a much, much bigger picture speaks volumes. By this gesture you confirmed your support for one another but the good you have done now goes far beyond the confines of the first floor of the PAS (Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology building)”
The CMHR would encourage all those in the University of Waterloo community, and the broader Waterloo community, to also support this initiative as our country expects thousands of refugees in the weeks and months to come. Support can be shown by donating to Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support or gathering items for our Relief Kit Drive.

Thanks to Wendy Philpot for the photo above of some of our CMHR faculty, students, and staff with our Refugee Relief Kit Items.