The CMHR was excited at the opportunity to participate in the University of Waterloo’s Arts Reunion 2015.
CMHR Director, Dr. Ian Nicholson, staffed the display with senior clinical psychology doctoral students Brenda Chiang, Derick Valadao, and Ivana Lizdek. They were able to discuss with alumni the important roles of the CMHR in providing needed care to the community, training future psychologists, and supporting the vital research conducted by the Clinical Faculty in the Department of Psychology.
The display was also developed to support the Reunion Discussion Panel on “The Sandwich Generation”. Information sheets from respected sources, such as the Canadian Psychological Association, were made available to Arts alumni. Also available was a list of resources for various Sandwich Generation topics such as talking with teens, coping with stress, and supporting seniors.
Perhaps the most popular part of the display was a mock “Block Design” test. Visitors were able to try out a popular psychology test of assembling blocks to copy complicated designs as quickly as possible.
According to Dr. Nicholson, “We were very happy to be a part of this exciting morning. For me, the display demonstrating Professor Woody’s interpersonal theory research on psychotherapy was a highlight. It demonstrated for Arts alumni how the CMHR can truly make its mission come alive. To show how care, training, and research all come together is a great part of our Centre”.