Yesterday, Dr. David Moscovitch, CMHR Executive Director, and Dr. Ian Nicholson, CMHR Director, visited the Veterans Care Program located at Parkwood Institute, part of St. Joseph’s Health Care London. This program provides complex continuing and long term care for Canadian war veterans.
The tour, led by Heather Tales, Director of Veterans Care at St. Joseph’s, included the Operational Stress Injury Clinic (OSI) at Parkwood Institute and meeting with a number of their staff. The clinic offers specialized assessment and treatment provided by an interprofessional team of psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, social workers, and nurses.
The recent partnership of the CMHR with St. Joseph’s provides training for students in completing psychological assessments with veterans and military personnel. The primary aim of the tour was to further understand how these OSI services in Waterloo relate to the broader range of OSI and Veterans Care services at Parkwood.
Both Dr. Moscovitch and Dr. Nicholson left with a fuller appreciation of the importance of the collaboration the CMHR has with St. Joseph’s. “It was exciting to have a chance to see the OSI Clinic and Veterans Care facilities in person and to meet some of their staff” said Dr. Moscovitch. “It is clear that they have created a wonderful environment and they are providing excellent care and services to this important community”.