Monday, November 30, 2015

 Dr. Lynn Alden Presentation 

The CMHR was proud to host Dr. Lynn Alden, Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, presenting at the University of Waterloo on "Social Anxiety Disorder and the Relational Self". 

Presenting to a packed room of over 50 community psychologists, graduate students, and faculty, Dr. Alden spoke on examining various models of the self in the context of social anxiety disorder.  Her clinically relevant research examined the interplay of cognitive and interpersonal processes in the development and maintenance of this often-crippling anxiety disorder.

After the presentation, Dr. Uzma Rehman, the Department's Director of Clinical Training, described the value of Dr. Alden's research and how it "represents an important integration of two fields of inquiry - relationship science and anxiety disorders".
                                       Dr. Lynn Alden

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