In its final workshop for the year, the CMHR was proud to host Dr. Richard Zayed, a psychologist from the Child Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) in London Ontario and an Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Western University. He spoke to a full room of faculty and graduate students on “Attachment Theory and its Clinical Application”.
Dr. Zayed, whose work at CPRI focuses on the comprehensive assessment and treatment of developmental trauma, used a combination of lecture, videos, and interactive discussions during his half-day presentation. His presentation was described by one faculty member present, Dr. Tara McAuley, as he “presented child-caretaker attachment as a lens through which clinicians may come to better understand a broad range of mental-health concerns in individuals across the lifespan. In doing so, his workshop underscored the transdiagnostic relevance of early attachment for critical aspects of clinical care, including effective case conceptualization and treatment."
In reflecting on the workshop, senior clinical doctoral student, Ami Rints, described the important role that an increased understanding of attachment has on providing care to our clients. “Dr. Zayed’s presentation provided valuable insight into how attachment relationships contribute to individuals’ well-being – and how critical a consideration of these relationships are to assessment and treatment planning”.