Details for Panel Symposium live stream now available

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

As part of the Panel Symposium Day on October 24, 2017, there will be a live stream where you can watch the PAC-SMH Panel representatives provide reports on their progress and send in questions for them to answer. 


When: October 24, 2017 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

How: You can view the live stream from the following link:
(This link is not currently live, but will come online on the day of).

You can submit questions for the panel to the Campus Wellness email during the live stream or in advance.

Questions received over email will be relayed to the event moderator who will also be accepting questions from panel members who are in attendance at the meeting. We will endeavour to address questions from both online and in person participants equally. However, if there are more questions submitted than can be answered in the time available we'll send those questions to the appropriate panels after the symposium and answers to the questions will be posted on the PAC-SMH website.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions to representatives from each panel at the Feds AGM in the afternoon.